Letting Go of False Hope Mini Course

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Duration 59 m 28 s


$ 47 $ 97 Buy now
Letting Go of False Hope Mini Course

About Course

This 3-chapter mini-course will teach you how to let go of the illusion of false hope of the narcissistic abuser in your life suddenly changing and behaving like a decent, reasonable person forever and ever moving forward. As much as we want to believe people are doing their best and can change for the better, there comes a point in our lives where we must take a step back and see the reality for what it is: life is too short for this BS, this is who this person is, and it's time to let go of the false hope.

This 3-chapter mini-course is for you if you’re looking to:

  • Let go of the false hope of the narcissist changing
  • Finally prioritize YOUR life and YOUR happiness
  • Gain a better understanding on the manipulation tactics narcissists use to keep you stuck in false hope so you can know what to expect once you start setting boundaries with this person
  • Take a baby step on the healing journey but aren't ready for my group coaching programs just yet!

There are 5 videos total equaling approximately 1 hour of content.

Introduction + baby step of a healing journey: 7.5 minutes long

Chapter I - What is false hope? 7.5 minutes long

Chapter II - The Narcissist and You: 20.5 minutes long

Chapter III - Keep boundaries and stay grounded: 15.5 minutes long

Conclusion + bonus: 5 reflection questions/journal prompts: 8.5 minutes long

Please note all sales are final.

Course content

videoIntroduction7 m 25 sFree
videoChapter 1: What is false hope?7 m 38 s Start
videoChapter 2: The narcissist and you20 m 23 s Start
videoChapter 3: Keeping your boundaries and stay grounded in reality15 m 31 s Start
videoConclusion8 m 31 s Start
videoWorkbook Start
videoExclusive add-on for this course only Start
Adriana Bucci

Adriana Bucci

Life coach

Course Instructor

Hey! I'm Adriana, founder of Let's Get Your Shift Together. After nearly 3 decades of enduring narcissistic abuse and 4 years of dealing with severe chronic pain - I had to make the choice to embark on my own healing journey.

Doing my inner work not only helped me heal from the physical pain I went through, but it also helped me heal from the narcissistic abuse I endured from being raised by a narcissistic mother, other close relationships, and even colleagues/toxic workplaces (they were everywhere!).

My own healing journey inspired me to become a life coach so I could help other people. My certifications include:

  • Certified Professional Life Coach
  • Certified Mind Body Fitness Coach
  • Certified Stress Management coach
  • Certified SafeSpace Facilitator

My goal is to empower adult children of narcissistic parents to heal, set boundaries, and live life on their own terms!

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